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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Collection: African Giant Millipede

Assalamualaikum....haa ni ada lagi koleksi aku ni...kali ni aku nak tunjuk kat korang satu spesis ni..ulat gonggok gergasi.. korang mesti pernah nampak menatang ni kat hutan2 tebal kan? sape yang suka jungle trekking tu mesti pernah nampak kat malaysia pun ada tapi yang aku punya ni asal dari hutan Afrika... Ok yang ni dia ni adult male....jantan dewasa laa...k panjang dia aku ukur dulu dalam dekat2 10 inci gak..memang besar menatang ni...korang mesti geli nak pegang dia kan haha...tapi aku dah biasa pegang2 dia.... Korang nak tau x? Menatang ni kita x boleh main pegang je tau..aku dulu pernah nak pegang dia..aku kena sembur dengan dia ni...dia sembur cam cecair warna kuning..busuk bau dia....pastu jari aku yang kena sembur tu rasa pedih..pehh memang bahaya gak makhkluk nih... Ni haa gambar2 dia...

Perghh besar kan dia?? haha
tengok pun dah tau kan dia ni besar dia dalam 10 inci gitu...
Dia ni herbivor..maksudnye dia makan sayur2 je...biasa nye aku bagi dia ni makan timun, epal..kadang2 tembikai...dia makan je keje dia..siang tidur, malam dia makan..tu je laa keje dia..haha.. Lupa lak, aku beli dia ni kat 1 kedai exotics ni kat bandar mahkota cheras...aku beli dia rm18 je..murah laa tu kan? hehe... k kawan2, nanti aku post lagi koleksi2 aku yang lain..hehe assalamualaikum :)

My Collection: Malaysian Giant Centipede

Lama dah x post kat sini..haha dah berhabuk dah blog aku ni.....:( k laa aku tgh bosan2 ni, aku nak post sumting laa kt sini.... buat pengetahuan korang, aku sekarang ni dah bertukar karier..haha..dulu aku ni bela ikan je akuatik laa...sekarang ni aku bela exotic species pulak....aku ade banyak koleksi aku..haha.. ni salah satunye...aku ada Lipan Bara or nama englishnye MalaysianGiant Cherry Red Centipede...aku beli menatang ni kt Ampang, ada laa satu kedai tu jual benda2 macam ni..uncle tu baik giler kot sampai bagi diskaun kat aku beli lipan ni rm30 je padahal harga asal dia rm0..hehe 25% diskaun tuuu.. Haa ni gambar lipan kesayangan saya ni :

Haa besar kan lipan ni? haha besar gile kot dia ni..aku agak dalam 8 inci besar dia..dia ni adult ni dah kira maximum size laa ni.. Dia ni ganas gila sial....tau x, aku nak bagi dia makan pun cuak...nak bukak penutup akuarium dia tu cuak weh sebab dia ni laju..sangat laju....haihh dah ni lipan liar kan memang macam tu laa....dia ni makan cengkerik....ari tu aku tengok dia makan cengkerik tu memang ganas laa...dia ambush cengkerik tu...terus makan padahal cengkerik tu hidup lagi kot...5 minit je dah abis licin dia makan..pehh ganas beb haha Ok laa, ni je post aku untuk hari ni..nanti aku akan post lak pasal koleksi2 lain yang aku ada tu..hehe..k assalamualaikum :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

aku main bolaaaaaaaa!!!! part 2

assalamualaikum....hehe ni aku nak sambung citer aku balik..pasal sejarah aku main bola amatur ni hahaha..lepas aku pindah dari subang ke sarawak..aku langsung x dapat peluang nak main bola kat sana..sebab aku x de geng langsung pun kat lah aku x dapat sekolah pun kat sana..macam mana nak wat kawan kan...aku x dapat sekolah pun sebab pejadah lancau yang jadi employer ayah & mak aku sekat macam2 kat parents aku..ceitt..aku pun malas nak citer panjang2 pasal benda tu..huhu..pendek katenye, aku & family duk kt sana 3 bulan je..bulan 11 dah balik semenanjung...Kl gak is the best hehe...

masa pindah tu family aku pindah masuk dalam rumah lama kitorang kat setapak indah tu....rumah tu dah lama dah beli tapi x pernah tinggal pun kat situ..sewakan kat orang je dah lebih 10 tahun...bila pindah masuk tu yelah, area baru...langsung x kenal kawan sorang pun....bilaaku masuk daftar kat SMK Setapak Indah tu ( tahun 2004 ni, aku masa tu form 3 hehe ) , aku macam rusa masuk kampung blur je kat situ..hahaha..tapi 1st day tu dapat laa kenal dengan kawan2 kat sini...shahrul, fareez, kamal, hakim, idzwan , habib, amir, haziq...ramai lagi lah..aku ni memang suka buat kawan...hehekawan biar beribu , bercinta biar satu..hahahaha =)

anyway, kawan2 baru aku ni ajak laa aku gi join dorang main bola kat padang bola sebelah tanah perkuburan danau kota tu..aku pun ok je laa..petang tu aku gi laa padang tu..ternampak shahrul..dia pun ajak laa aku join main bola dengan dorang..masa tu ramai dah budak2 nak main bola kat situ..aku kenal yang geng2 aku tadi laa...yang lain aku x kenal...rupenye dorang2 ni sume pun 1 sekolah dengan aku..cuma kelas lain2 laa....masa ni laa aku kenal ijan, jay-jay, sulhi, ramai lagi lah..hehe..pastu kitorang pun start main bola...aku mula2 cam nervous laa laa 1st time main bola dengan dorang ni...x tau ape nak expect..huhu..tapi dah main 15 minit cam ok je laa...boleh je ikut rentak dorang main hehe...lepas tu aku ade dapat satu peluang nak gol...aku memang x pandai nak gelecek2 orang ni, so aku just try shoot dengan kaki kiri je laa...tau2 je bola tu dah masuk celah2 tangan keeper tu ( aku x ingat nama mamat tu hehe )....aku rase cam best giler...geng2 aku sume panggil aku 'star' laa ape laa..tapi aku biase2 jek hehe....bila dah gol tu semangat pun dah naik laa...dah nak abis game tu, aku dapat satu lagi gol..ijan punye assist memang cantik..aku tinggal tap-in je bola dowh dapat main ngan playmaker macam ijan tu hehe...

tu laa 'debut' aku kat setapak indah tu..sejak hari tu, aku selalu je main bola dengan dorang2 tu kat padang bola tu...tiap2 hari dowh aku main bola..hehe best2....

lepas ni aku nak cerita pasal 1 game ni yang aku xkan lupa sampai bila haha...aku dapat 5 gol dalam game tu, pastu ada kawan2 aku shoot bola kena orang tua naik motor...sorang lagi shoot sampai bolat u termasuk dalam bas sekolah yang kebetulan lalu depan padang tu..haha bapak best giler...nanti2 aku cerita ye..hehe assalamualaikum =)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

aku main bolaaaaaaaa!!!! part 1

aku suka sangat main bola..x kira laa main bola padang ke, futsal ke..semua aku main..aku ni memang gila bola laa hehe..hmm aku nak cerita macam mana aku boleh minat nak bermain bolani sebenarnye hehe...

aku ingat lagi masa aku darjah 1...aku masa tu sekolah kat SK pintas puding, kt parit raja, johor sana tu...huhu mase tu kitoran kan budak2 kecik lagi, so mane laa ade but bola lagi kan..aku ingat lagi kitorang selalu main bola dekat area parking untuk kereta2 cikgu hehe..bukan pakai bola pun, tapi pakai botol mineral yg kosong, tu laa jadi bola nye haha..tapi mase tu memang best..tiap2 hari masa rehat je, kitorang x makan pun, terus gi main bola..sepak2 botol tu..kejar2 botol tu..hahaha lawak2..cikgu banyak kali marah2 kitorang tapi pedulik ape kitorang kan..haha mase tu laa aku mula blajar cara main bola...

hehe..masa aku mula2 main bola, aku main defend laa nak jadi striker , x reti nak gol lagi aha..tapi bila darjah 2 je, aku cuba2 laa main striker..aku ingat lagi mase waktu PJ, kitorang main bola kat padang skolah laa...hari yang berejarah buat aku..sebab aku dapat jaringkan gol buat kali pertama dalam hidup aku hahahaha..gol tu pun nasib giler kot...aku ingat lagi si azhar ( mana ntah dia sekarang ) sepak corner kick, bola tu masuk dalam kotak penalti, pastu bola tu terkena betis aku..aku xtau pape pun, tengok2 bola tu dah masuk gol..aku pun jerit2 laa celebrate macam yang player2 luar negara buat tu haha..kawan2 lain pun kejar2 aku giler mase tu...

so aku pun terus laa bermain bola..hampir setiap hari laa aku main bola...masa rehat je kt sekolah, aku makan sikit je pastu aku terus gi main bola kat padang sekolah dengna geng2 aku tu...tapi aku nak cakap laa yang sebenarnya aku ni xlaa pandai sangat main bola pun..biase2 je..sepak pun melalut2 je hahaha..tapi semangat gak nak main jadi striker tu hahah...ade laa gak aku dapat gol mase tu..tapi kalau nak main jadi wakil sekolah memang x dapat laa..sebab aku memang x terer pun hahaha...

masa aku darjah 6, ade satu hari tu..skolah aku tu buat pertandingan bola sepak..lawan antara kelas2..kelas aku 6 mawar pun masuk gak..aku pun join laa team kelas aku ni...1st game lawan kelas 6 dahlia...mula2 aku x dapat main pun..jadi substitute je hehe..masa dah 2nd half tu ( dulu kitorang main setiap half 10 minit je ) dah 1-1 dah...pastu cikgu PJ kitorang tu suruh aku masuk ganti sorang kawan aku tu...aku pun gi laa main ngn penuh semangat nyer haha..pastu aku dapat 1 peluang nak gol tau..aku dah lari ke arah golkeeper dorang..tinggal aku dengna budak keeper tu je..aku x pandai nak wat skill ape pun, so aku rembat laa bola tu..pangg kena kepala keeper tu..pengsan budak tu..haha mesti kuat giler aku sepak bola tu..dah game tu dihentikan sebab nak gi rawat budak tu..kesian lak kat dia..last2 dia kena tukar ngan keeper substitute..last2 game tu seri 1-1...huhu lepas tu team kitorang seri sekali & kalah sekali..terus terkeluar dari pertandingan tu, sebab kitorang dapat nombor 3 je dalam kumpulan tu..huhu sedih2...

bila aku dah masuk sekolah menengah ni ( SMK sri gading ), aku macam stop main x aktif sangat laa..ntah laa mase tu minat nak main bola cam xde lak..huhu tapi bila aku pindah masuk SMK Subang mase form 2...tiba2 aku rase nak main bola aku try laa join main bola sama2 dengan budak2 kat taman perumahan tempat family aku tinggal tu ( Taman Subang Perdana klau x silap aku laa )....mase aku join dorang tu, ye laa sebab x kenal lagi budak2 ni...mase main tu pun dorang x bagi bola sangat kat aku..last2 aku dapat jugak peluang nak gol tu..aku rembat laa bola tu ( dah tu xkan nak pegang bola tu lak kan hahaha )...mak aii terus masuk gol..aku pun lari2 laa celebrate macam orang gila..budak2 tu tengok je aku..haha macam kelakar lak mase tu..tapi dah lame2 tu aku kawan laa ngn semua budak2 main bola dengan dorang...hehe..mase aku kat situ, aku dapat ramai kawan..tapi aku paling kamceng dengan Ezareen..dia laa yang ajar aku macam mana nak main jadi striker..dia memang terer main bola..wakil sekolah lak tu..hehe...lama2 aku dengan dia selalu main bola sama2..kitorang jadi strike partner yangmantap..kadang2 aku pass bola kat dia pastu dia gol..lepas tu dia lak pass bola kat aku, aku lak yang gol..perghh memang best laa mase tu...bila main je, budak2 dari team lain mesti kata " kena jaga 2 orang nih!" haha....punye laa cuak dorang nak lawan team kitorang sebab ade aku ngan ezareen tu..hehe.....tapi aku duduk situ x lama..3 bulan aku kena pindah lagi ke sarawak lak..sedih aku kena tinggalkan dorang semua..tinggalkan ezareen, my best friend & strike partner....nangis aku tau huhu...aku xkan lupakan semua kenangan aku main bola kat taman subang perdana ( april- julai 2003 ) huhu....

aku akan sambung balik cerita aku ni dalam post yang akan datang..tunggu sambungannye ok hehe..k chow dulu..assalamualaikum ;)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Aston Villa 1 Liverpool 0 ( English Premier League, 22 May 2011 )

Liverpool's Joe Cole ( in white ) challenging Aston Villa rightback Kyle Walker for the ball

Aston Villa duo Stewart Downing and Ashley Young have been on Liverpool's radar for some time and manager Kenny Dalglish witnessed first-hand their qualities as his side slipped to the defeat which ended their Europa League hopes.

Liverpool rarely troubled their hosts on an afternoon when Villa's two wingers provided the main attacking thrust.

Downing produced the one moment of quality with a deft touch and brilliant finish to decide the match in the first half as Dalglish's players appeared to run out of steam after a season which for some of them began in July in the Europa League.

It means Liverpool have failed to qualify for Europe for the first time since 1999, although many will see that as a blessing as it will give Dalglish a chance to concentrate on strengthening his squad and making a challenge to get back in the Champions League next season.

Dalglish appeared to already have one eye on the future by naming a bench which, the 31-year-old Christian Poulsen apart, had an average age of just over 19.

He also gave Joe Cole a chance to impress with his first start for two months but the England international failed to take it and he faces an uncertain future after just one season at Anfield in which he has failed to deliver.

Injured Reds captain Steven Gerrard was sat among the travelling supporters but he will have been less than impressed by a first half which was almost entirely devoid of quality or incident.

In fact, Downing's 33rd-minute goal aside it was difficult to single out anything else worthy of a mention.

Virtually substitute Marc Albrighton's first involvement having replaced Fabian Delph was to provide the right-wing cross which sailed over the defence to the unmarked Downing who took a touch before smashing a narrow-angle shot past Jose Reina via the underside of the crossbar.

Either side of that the story of the half was of niggling fouls, injuries and scrappy play.

Liverpool lost Jay Spearing barely 10 minutes into the game having been fouled moments earlier by Nigel Reo-Coker, who was booked, and was replaced by Jonjo Shelvey.

Jamie Carragher temporarily had to leave the field to have stitches in a head wound after a clash with Lucas Leiva, who came closest to scoring for the Reds with a shot from a Raul Meireles corner cleared off the line by Ashley Young.

Cole had a chance to atone for an anonymous opening 45 minutes when Lucas' lofted ball picked him out in the penalty area but he ballooned a shot well over.

The England international's disappointing afternoon was eventually ended in the 67th minute when he was replaced by David Ngog.

Just prior to that Raul Meireles should have done better when Luis Suarez's cut-back took out the sliding Kyle Walker and James Collins but former Liverpool goalkeeper Brad Friedel clawed out his shot.

Collins, substitute Gabriel Agbonlahor and Stiliyan Petrov all had chances to put the result beyond doubt as the hosts finished the stronger, with only Fabio Aurelio and Luis Suarez coming anywhere close for Liverpool.

Ashley Young's withdrawal minutes from the end saw the player, entering the last year of his contract, applaud all four sides of the ground in what looked like a farewell.

But even the prospect of losing one of their major stars could not dampen the delight of the home crowd, who could not decide whether they were happier at a first Villa Park win over the Reds since February 1998 or the demise of city rivals Birmingham.

Meanwhile Dalglish, heading into his first summer transfer window, has plenty to ponder after back-to-back defeats to end the season.

Big decisions need to be taken on some big names as he looks to revitalise his playing staff.

He may well have seen the future at Villa Park.

Aston Villa (1) 1 Liverpool (0) 0

Aston Villa Friedel, Walker, Collins, Dunne, Luke Young,Downing, Reo-Coker (Agbonlahor 68), Delph (Albrighton 28),Petrov, Ashley Young (Bradley 89), Bent.

Subs Not Used: Marshall, Pires, Heskey, Clark.

Booked: Reo-Coker, Walker.

Goals: Downing 33.

Liverpool Reina, Flanagan, Carragher, Skrtel, Aurelio,Meireles, Spearing (Shelvey 12), Lucas, Cole (Ngog 68), Suarez,Kuyt.

Subs Not Used: Gulacsi, Wilson, Poulsen, Wisdom, Robinson.

Booked: Meireles, Cole.

Att: 42,785

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Liverpool 0 Tottenham Hotspurs 2 ( English Premier League, 15 May 2011 )

Tottenham midfielder Sandro bringing the ball under control

Tottenham seized the advantage in the race for the final Europa League spot as Liverpool's first match since the appointment of Kenny Dalglish as permanent manager ended in defeat.

However, referee Howard Webb could have been accused of having a helping hand in deciding the outcome with a series of questionable decisions which culminated in the award of a very favourable penalty for the visitors' second.

Rafael van der Vaart's volley had given Harry Redknapp's side an early lead only for Liverpool to wrest back control of the game until 11 minutes after the interval when Webb controversially pointed to the spot and Luka Modric converted.

Spurs moved a point ahead of their rivals into fifth place as they inflicted a first home defeat for Dalglish, who signed a three-year contract on Thursday, since he replaced Roy Hodgson in early January.

That formidable home record - 20 points from eight matches prior to this encounter - counted for little as the visitors took the early initiative on their way to their first Anfield victory in 19 games stretching back to 1986.

Injury robbed Dalglish of midfielder Raul Meireles, which meant he had to break up the recent successful partnership of Luis Suarez and Dirk Kuyt and bring in fit-again club record signing Andy Carroll.

It undoubtedly had a detrimental effect as the £35million England international lacks the mobility and energy of Kuyt in a front two and denied the Reds the high pressing game they have employed of late.

Spurs enjoyed their extra time on the ball and put it to good use in the early stages, dominating possession.

Van der Vaart fired well wide early on but the next time he did not disappoint with his ninth-minute shooting opportunity.

When Modric's right-wing corner skimmed off the head of Martin Skrtel he brought the ball under control with his first touch and with his second volleyed it over the crowd - helped by a deflection off Glen Johnson - past Jose Reina's left hand and into the far corner of the net.

In recent weeks everything had gone right for the Reds, unbeaten in five with 17 goals scored, but the opposite was true on this occasion.

Tottenham's closing down and tight marking prevented the hosts producing the flowing pass-and-move football which has returned under Dalglish.

The only stroke of fortune they enjoyed was the leniency of referee Howard Webb, who chose to only book Suarez for his petulant kick at Michael Dawson while he was on the floor having been angered by the defender's apparent dive to win a free-kick.

Having been brilliant in front of goal in the last month the knack appeared to have deserted Liverpool as Carroll slashed wildly at Maxi Rodriguez's pass and failed to connect properly while midfielder Jay Spearing bundled a shot wide with his weaker left foot.

The same should not have been expected of Carroll though, who wastefully headed over from six yards from Skrtel's cross.

Suarez was closer with a free-kick which flashed just wide on the stroke of half-time but the Reds needed a change as distinctive as Dalglish swapping his tracksuit for jacket and tie at the interval .

Van der Vaart lasted just five minutes into the second half before limping off to be replaced by Jermain Defoe.

Anger at Webb's officiating reached a peak in the 55th minute when he penalised John Flanagan for a foul on Pienaar when the offence appeared to be both outside the penalty area and in favour of the home side.

Modric struck home the spot-kick to give Tottenham a two-goal cushion they barely deserved.

Liverpool surged forward, enraged at the perceived injustice, and Suarez fired over from Flanagan's low cross while substitute Jonjo Shelvey was narrowly off target with a long-range effort.

Chasing the game Dalglish sent on David Ngog for Rodriguez, giving his side every opportunity to score with four strikers on the pitch.

Carroll's ineffectual display meant he was lucky to still be on when he managed his first shot on target in the 87th minute but Carlo Cudicini held it comfortably and the target man immediately replaced by Joe Cole.

Having missed out on the Champions League the Europa League may be of some consolation for Tottenham, if they can better Liverpool's result next week.

There has been an argument put forward that both sides would prefer to miss out on Europe's second-tier competition to concentrate on their league form next season.

Having tasted his first home defeat, and only the fourth of his second spell in charge, Dalglish is unlikely to be in agreement.


Liverpool Reina, Flanagan, Carragher, Skrtel, Johnson, Kuyt, Lucas, Spearing (Shelvey 64), Maxi (Ngog 75), Suarez, Carroll (Cole 88).

Subs Not Used: Gulacsi, Kyrgiakos, Poulsen, Robinson.

Booked: Suarez, Flanagan.

Tottenham Cudicini, Kaboul, Dawson, King, Rose (Bassong 82), Lennon, Modric, Sandro, Pienaar (Kranjcar 90), Van der Vaart (Defoe 53), Crouch.

Subs Not Used: Pletikosa, Pavlyuchenko, Livermore, Bostock.

Booked: Sandro.

Goals: Van der Vaart 9, Modric 56 pen.

Att: 44,893

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fulham 2 Liverpool 5 ( English Premier League, 9 May 2011 )

Liverpool's Maxi Rodriguez ( number 17 ) shooting home the first goal after just 31 seconds

Liverpool may be about to be knocked off their perch by Manchester United, but they showed at Craven Cottage they might just mount a serious challenge for a 19th league title of their own next season by destroying Fulham.

The Reds made it 13 goals in their last three games and Maxi Rodriguez completed his second hat-trick over the same period, with Dirk Kuyt making it 12 goals in his last 13 matches for club and country and Luis Suarez wrapping up the rout.

The win moved Liverpool back above Tottenham into fifth place in the Premier League and left Fulham stunned as they paid the price for a horrible first 16 minutes which saw them 3-0 down.

The Cottagers threatened a comeback when Mousa Dembele pulled a goal back but they were 5-1 down before Steve Sidwell fired a late consolation.

If Jamie Carragher was worried his 666th appearance for Liverpool - moving him second on the all-time list - was a bad omen, he was in for a pleasant surprise.

It was Fulham who must have thought they were cursed as they endured calamity after calamity right from kick-off.

The first blunder came from Aaron Hughes, whose slip let in Suarez, with Carlos Salcido and Mark Schwarzer making a hash of the striker's left-wing cross and allowing Maxi to thread the ball home.

The shocking defending continued in the seventh minute as Chris Baird played Glen Johnson onside and the full-back crossed for Maxi to volley in from close range at the far post.

Liverpool were rampant, to the glee of the large travelling contingent, and Suarez saw a penalty appeal turned down before a absolute howler from Schwarzer made it 3-0.

There was little power in Kuyt's shot from just inside the penalty area but the goalkeeper allowed the ball to squirm underneath him at the near post, all but killing the game as a contest.

Suarez wasted a glorious chance to pull the ball back for Raul Meireles to make it 4-0 and Maxi volleyed over the top as Fulham's defending in wide areas continued to be non-existent.

Fulham - whose only threat had been a Dembele air shot - finally got going and Dempsey saw his half-volley from Simon Davies' corner cleared off the line by Johnson.

Home boss Mark Hughes threw on Bobby Zamora for Davies at the break and Liverpool suffered a blow when Raul Meireles appeared to pull a hamstring and was replaced by Jonjo Shelvey.

That came after a Fulham free-kick, which Zamora flicked on dangerously moments before Dempsey fired just over the crossbar.

Eidur Gudjohnsen also dragged wide as the home side created more in five minutes than they had in the opening 45.

And they deservedly pulled a goal back in the 57th minute when Martin Skrtel gave Zamora the chance to lay the ball off to Dembele, who curled home beautifully beyond Jose Reina.

The keeper was furious, belting the ball into the stands and earning himself a yellow card.

Hughes would have been cursing himself for not starting with Zamora.

Liverpool remained a threat on the break, particularly through the outstanding Suarez.

But it was Maxi who killed off any hope of a Fulham fightback with 20 minutes remaining, completing his hat-trick with a stunning 25-yard drive into the top corner.

Suarez made it another five-star performance for Kenny Dalglish's men when he raced onto Shelvey's through-ball and brilliantly rounded Schwarzer to prod home the goal his performance deserved.

The Uruguayan beat the offside trap again moments later only to blaze over the top.

Dembele was replaced by Gael Kakuta before Maxi left the field to a standing ovation, with Joe Cole coming on.

Fulham kept going and, with just under five minutes left, Sidwell pounced on a loose clearance and cracked a lovely 20-yard half-volley into the top corner.

Schwarzer saved brilliantly from Shelvey, Spearing had a shot cleared off the line and Kuyt's point-blank shot was blocked by Baird in stoppage-time.


Fulham Schwarzer, Baird, Hughes, Hangeland, Salcido,Davies (Zamora 46), Murphy, Gudjohnsen (Johnson 67), Sidwell,Dempsey, Dembele (Kakuta 76).

Subs Not Used: Stockdale, Senderos, Etuhu, Greening.

Booked: Murphy, Dempsey, Salcido, Sidwell, Baird.

Goals: Dembele 57, Sidwell 86.

Liverpool Reina, Johnson, Carragher, Skrtel, Flanagan,Maxi (Cole 82), Spearing, Lucas, Meireles (Shelvey 48), Suarez,Kuyt.

Subs Not Used: Gulacsi, Kyrgiakos, Wilson, Poulsen, Robinson.

Booked: Reina, Skrtel.

Goals: Maxi 1, 7, Kuyt 16, Maxi 70, Suarez 75.

Att: 25,693